
Happy Monday & WiNNeR!


  Thanks to everyone who played along with the silly tick-tock GiVEAWAY last week.  I enjoyed reading all your comments & seeing what you might have learned about me.  
{by the way if you have a Pinterest acct. let me know- I'd love to learn a bit about you too!} 

The winner of the sweet stash of 
goodies is....... 
{Yippee, email me your address when you get a sec. please}  

A whole lot of happiness will be arriving in your mailbox soon. 
 Only 8 days until Valentines Day- still lots of preparation to do, better get busy!

I'm still stuffed from yesterday & the Super Bowl Feast we got to have with some of our friends.  Seriously, I couldn't believe all the tasty, amazing food that everyone brought.  It was awesome!  You can't have the Super Bowl without at least some bottled pop & chicken wings for sure.  
-Miss Mace made the yummy choc. mint cupcakes- so good! 

-I mean homemade salty crispy tortilla chips & jumbo shrimp-
Yum-E!  Thanks to the McC's for being great hosts, it was great as always. Nice ice bowl Ty!-

-One happy girl- she looks forward to chicken wings on
Super Bowl Sunday all year long!- 

?Honeybee wants to know-  Do you watch the Super Bowl, just the halftime show or who cares about football just love to eat the food? 

Have a great day! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to win your sweet package!!! It's been a long time since I won anything... Thank you, thank you... Hopefully I can make something as cute as you do...


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}