
Happy {LoVE} Month!


  Is anyone else out there feeling like me, where did January go? I can't believe it is February already- crazy!  I don't even have any Valentine decorations up 
{I know shocker for anyone who knows me well but.. I'm still in the process of packing up Winter decor, it will go up soon!} 

I wanted to share a few things I was LoVing today. 

1-Getting up & going to Zumba this morning bright & early! 

2- Getting out one of our favorite Valentine traditions around here. 

The Valentines Sweet Talk jar 
We started doing this years ago & the girls really got into it so we have continued to do it. We begin by putting out an empty jar 
{it helps if it is a super cute one from Leila Bird} 
out on the counter & then start to fill it up with what we call "Kindness points" 
{aka- conversation hearts} 

A point is earned whenever we hear something kind, encouraging, uplifting or just plain nice being said to anyone in our family & using the words please & thank you.
{sometimes we forget ;)} 
 The girls love to watch it fill up a little at a time & as a Mom I love to see it too. We usually have some kind of a reward attached to getting the jar all the way full... like going to get a treat, to a movie or going out to dinner. Such a fun tradition! 

3- Getting to get my hair done- always such a nice feeling, thanks Tex. 
-One of these days there won't be finger print smudges on the mirror when I take these pictures. Don't know if that makes me happy or sad- 

4- Going grocery shopping today & loading up on lots of fruits & veggies {we were low around here} & getting the Coconut Oil & Flax seeds that I wanted to get from my healthy groc. list.

5- Last but not least a #4 from Jimmy John's - oh, so good!  I mean look at that sandwich- Yum-E! 
-Oh, I could eat it everyday!! - 

Happy February everyone!  Can't wait to share lots of lovely traditions & ideas with you the next couple of weeks leading up to Valentines Day.  
{Thanks for following along & reading the blog}


1 comment:

Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}