
Just curious... a couple of ?'s


  Okay blogging friends I have a few questions I'm hoping you will help answer for me. 

#1- Have any of you printed off your "blog" before & made it into a book?  I know you can do this I'm just wondering what is the best way or website to help me do this.  
How much does it usually cost too?

#2- How often do you print out your blog? Once a year?  I'm just been thinking that I should as kind of like a journal for my business.  This blog will turn 2 in January- HooRaY
{I'm proud to see how it has evolved over the 2 years & can't wait to see what 2012 will bring}

Now for some shopping advise:
{DIsclaimer- I really don't enjoy clothes shopping that much- what is wrong with me?!?  I have the usual 2-3 stores I go to but if I don't see anything I'm done}

#3-  Where is your favorite place to buy jeans?  I need help!  I love the trouser pants from the Gap & have several pairs but I need some more casual looking fun jeans. 

#4- Where is your favorite place to go shoe shopping?  I need to revamp my shoes. Time to get stuff to wear during the cold, windy, chilly winter months :( 
Goodbye my high heels & open toed shoes- see you in the Spring {darn-it!}

#5-  Where is your overall FaVORITE place to shop for clothes, shoes, jewelry etc.?  
{I would love some new places to check out!} 

-One of my Favorite places to go window shopping & DReaMing of one day buying everything in sight- Anthropologie
Look at all those adorable owls-
Tis' the Season for party after party & I would like to have some fabulous new stuff to wear head to toe- I would love to hear from you.  Send any of your thoughts my way-

 Now some Random ?'s:

#6- How Scrumptious & Sweet does this cake look?  Perfect for a Christmas party I think.   
-Sorry, I can't remember where I got his image from. I know it was an online catalog from somewhere- 

#7- Have you entered the H&H GiVEAWAY yet?  If not you still have time- check out the post below. 



  1. I like the jeans at downeast and I buy LOTS of my shoes at DSW, usally online. Happy shopping!

  2. Thanks Melissa- I've never been to DSW. Sounds like I better though :)

  3. Melissa:
    I am not sure the last time I bought myself jeans so no help there :) As far as the blog book goes I print mine off every year. I do it through a company called blurp. I know there are more places to print but this was one of the first one's I knew about and I know and understand the software so it works for me. I do like it because I get like an 8 x 11 sized books (they do offer different sizes), hard cover and it prints all of your pictures in color. I usually very easy have a 400-500 paged book each year and it costs me just around 100 bucks. So I do feel that is very reasonable. Good luck!

  4. I am just like you. I hate shopping for myself especially clothes. When you figure it out please let me know and I'll go with you to keep each other from giving up too soon.

    The last time I got jeans was at Eddie Bower. I like them pretty well. But I'm a country girl and could so live in Wranglers if I could find some that fit me now. I see many things I like at stores like Down East, Macys, and vintage. I'm no help I know. But I'll be happy to figure it out with you because I love the way you dress:-D

  5. Oh Yeah I forgot DSW SHOES. It is the place where you walk in and if you don't have a shoe addiction just the smells can change that.


  6. My daughter prints out her blog when each of her children turns one. She sends it off to a company.
    She makes the cutest baby books for them. Email me and I would love to give you her contact information.
    Aunt Barb

  7. Melissa- you need to go over to Michelle White's house & check out her blog books. She prints one every year and they are fabulous. She uses Blurb also (someone else mentioned that site), and if you watch on Groupon they do coupons every now & then. Anyway- its always helpful for me to see one in person as I have been wanting to make mine for at least a year now and am waiting to just copy Michelle's format :)
    Second- Zappo' is fabulous for shoes. I love them because they have free shipping all the time BOTH WAYS. So you can order a lot and return what doesn't work!
    Third- You can't beat the Buckle for jeans. You would be surprised how many of us "older" mormon moms they help every day and they know how to make you look trendy without trying to look like your 17. :) Liz P. just introduced me to a BUCKLE brand jean that fits me like a glove! Good price, too. I can't remember what its called, but she will know. Anyway- its a curvy fit and has a higher waistband which I love.
    OH, and my favorite stores to shop in would have to be Wal-Mart or K-mart since that is all that is available here in Price. HELP ME! How sad is that???????

  8. Wow what a list of questions. I print my blog once a year using blurb books, you can download your blog and it will put one post a page (if they fit) some of mine are short so I do some editing and then take the time I posted off the post just because it bugs me. They pictures have always turned out great and my kids actually look at part years at church.

    Old Navy, jeans are my favorite

    Have no idea on clothes and shoes, I do like IZod shirts and found some cute things at Marshells

  9. You guys are awesome- thanks! :) Now I'm excited to go shopping. Love to read all your comments.

  10. Have you seen over on Holidays with Matthew Mead he is giving away (six) $250 gift certificates..

  11. Thanks for the tip Lesa! I'm headed over there right now :) How fabulous would that be to win?


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