
Happy Holidays to.... WiNNeR!!

 Thanks to everyone who entered & played along- it was so fun reading all your comments.  
I've been a bit GiDDy about giving a frame to someone for a Christmas present from H&H this year- YiPPee

Here all all the entries loaded {over flowing} into the sleigh. 
{I feel a little bit like Santa!;)} 

 Luckily for me I had a little elf that was willing to help draw out the winner before she left for school.....  
-I adore this Chevron Green material I have.. but I'm not a sewer.  Is there anyone out there who would like to make me a table runner with it in exchange for some H&H goods?  Just an idea. If you are interested email me {on the sidebar}
 Unwrapping the LuCKY WiNNeR.......

 Congratulations........ Becky! 

One red striped Candy Cane Frame is headed your way- 
Merry Christmas 
to you from Hollyhocks & Honeybees!
I think this is a new name to my blog {correct me if I'm wrong Becky} {Yeah!!} I love to make new friends & connections. 
I'll be in touch to get this in the mail & headed your way. 
Hope you like having the frame up during the holidays! 

-Thanks again to all those who entered.  Have a wonderful day. I'm off to get my hair done & some shopping. 
{Thanks for all the shopping comments too}

Don't Forget.... 
H&H SaLE- Tuesday the 13th at my home in Mt. Green 10- NooN.
Also Leila bird {right next door} will be having a sale too.
ALL H&H Christmas {in stock} will be 20% off 

I'll also be back soon to show you some fun things I've been crafting 


1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Becky! And boo to me for being slow to enter!! I so wish I lived close so I could come check out all the fun stuff you have!!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}