
Day {9}- 3 things + a WiNNer!

  Thanks to everyone who participated in the Create a "BuZz" & WiN Giveaway. I appreciate you helping me get the word out & get excited for a sweet little boutique coming your way! 
{this Thursday & Friday to be exact} 
-All the names of everyone who entered the "BuZz" giveaway in my favorite 
Leila Bird candy jar-just waiting to get picked!  
It's especially going to be FuN for someone to come spend $25.00 at The Hive & that LuCKY person is........ 

-drumroll............ the WiNNer is  - 

{Congratulations & thanks for playing!} 
-You can pick up your gift certificate at The Hive either Thursday night or Friday- happy shopping!-

3 things for today
1-a Good night sleep {our new little puppy, Olly, hardly barked at all- hallelujah!} 
2- Bananas {sliced on my bowl of shredded wheat this morning} 
3- Running water {I love listening to our water fountain running outside, it's mostly covered with ice now- CHiLLy!}

Off to start decorating & setting up for The Hive tomorrow- lots to do! So excited to see it all come together & for the other creative vendors to get here & bring their goods. 
-Have a great day!- 


1 comment:

  1. Congrats to the winner!

    See ya soon. (love the music one, but you probably already knew that, huh)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}