
Day {10} & it's HERE!!

  Hooray, YiPPee, jumping for JoY- today's the day it's time for The Holiday Hive!
{a sweet little boutique}
I hope you are coming- there is going to be so many wonderful things- I'll be back later with a sneak peek or 2 once it all gets set up. Got to get the kiddos up & off to school & then The Hive starts to take shape.  
Check out what a couple of things Leila Bird will be bringing- oh, my! 

Time to write down my Attitude of Gratitude moments:

1- SLeeP!! {today I got to sleep in until 4:00 a.m. & I was THRiLLeD!  Our little puppy slept through the night. When he barked this morning I jumped out of bed like it was nothing, I felt so good & ready to take on the day. Yes, at 4:00 a.m. I felt that way. It's like we have a newborn in the house. I've definitely taken for granted precious hours of sleep} 
2- Hoagie Sandwiches {Miss Mace & I made them for dinner last night & they were delicious! We used a big french bread loaf that I got at Albertsons that was right out of the oven. I'm a sucker when I groc. shop there & smell their bread- Yum-E!}
3- Zip up Hoodies {They are my favorite thing to grab & slip on in the morning.  So warm & toasty, even at 4:00 a.m. ;)}

Ok, hope to see you soon!  I'll be back with a picture or 2. 


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