
Day {7}- A good day!

  Yeah- Happy Monday! 
{it's been a busy Monday for me} 
Besides painting, staining, sanding, finishing some H&H projects, loads of laundry & watching this little guy it's been a good day & one that I'm grateful for. 

1- Washer & Dryer {Oh, these 2 things make my Monday to do list so much easier. Can you imagine life without these? They are wonderful handy machines} 
2- Good Neighbors {I'm grateful for friends & neighbors that I know I can count on to call & borrow 3 eggs from. Thanks N!} 
3- A reason to Celebrate! {My hubby & I are taking our 3 great girls to dinner tonight at Sonora Grill in Ogden to celebrate 3 "A"mazing report cards. Good job M,A&E I'm proud of you!} 
*I'm also grateful for a reason not to have to make dinner tonight ;) 

Ok, I'll be back tomorrow to show some sneak peeks of H&H things that will be available for purchase at The Hive. 
{some are so cute I might just want to keep them for myself ;)} 
Also don't forget- Modern Thread & Leila Bird will be there too along with lots of other goods too! 


*oh, don't forget that you have until tomorrow night {by midnight} to create a "BuZz" about The Hive & win $25.00!  
-GooD LuCK!- 


  1. OK Melissa I hope this still counts for the give away! I shared it on my Facebook page and I RSVP'd on Facebook to!! Can't wait for Thursday...


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}