
My to do list- Check!

Hi everyone-
  Do you ever feel like you are just going from one thing to the next?  I have felt that a bit the last little while so I wanted to share some of the FuN things I've been able to CHeCK off the list.
{it's always a good feeling to accomplish even the littlest thing}

Last week I got to CHeCK off something with my family that I have been wanting to do for quite awhile- hike 
Adams Canyon.  It is a gorgeous {longer & harder than I thought} 3.5 mile hike up to a water fall.  Have any of you out there hiked it?  It was the perfect time of year to do the hike, nice weather, blue skies & of coarse all the trees in brilliant fall colors.  
-Ty & I at the water fall, yeah, we made it!!- 
-Our group for the day the Quig's + 2 good friends!- 

-Ty& I with the canyon behind us- 

The next thing to check off the list was the morning spent down at SPaRK {even just for a bit} My friend Nicole & I went to check it out {we were Sparkettes last year} & just from being in the building for little while you could feel the creative energy. Everything was so fabulous {from what we could see} & we found lots of great treasures to buy from the Market.  
{I'm definitely saving up my pennies to go next year} 
One of the highlights for me was running into Rhonna & Margie in the market & getting a hug from them.
{so wish I would have gotten out my phone for a quick pictures-shoot!} 
Anyway those ladies are just the most creative, sparkly, bubbly people I know. 

Next thing checked off the list was Gourmet Club last night. The theme was Black & White 
{kind of Halloween-y but not} 
It was a great night filled with fabulous friends, fun conversations & yummy food.  I opened up my emails today to see this & wanted to share it with you all.  
{I guess Black & WHite is the in thing!} 
For those of you always asking me about the charming white metal cake stands I have & always use to display stuff on - well.... this is where I got them from. 

Just a few things I've been able to CHeCK off my list lately.  Now onto the next 100 things to do! ;) 

{These are at the top of the list} 
-finally buying Photoshop {& learning how to use it!}
-Shopping day in Park City
-Date night with Ty {here} 
-watching the BYU game {go Cougars!
-Pink Zumba-thon tomorrow with my girls 
-Audrey's last soccer game of the season


*don't forget The {Holiday} Hive is coming. 
Nov. 10 & 11th  
Check back next week to learn how to WiN $$ to spend at The Hive. 

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