

Happy Halloween everyone!
Hope you have a wonderful day full of tricks & treats coming your way. I'm off to celebrate in my girls' 4th grade class at their class party. 

-My sad attempt at a costume yesterday-  funny glasses & a hat. PLUS it is my best impression of the pictures Miss Mace always takes of herself- 
I'll be back tomorrow to announce the details 
for the "BuZZ" about The Hive & WiN GiVEAWAY!! 
& start my 30 days of developing an Attitude of Gratitude
{Hopefully you'll join me too- more details to come} 

Have a SPoOkY rest of the day! 

p.s. this is how our Halloween weekend began- young hooligans! We woke up to this Sunday morning. Oh, to be young again & stay out past 10:30p.m.

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