
What a wore {did & am eating} Wednesday!

  A first for What I wore Wednesday- a mustache!! 
I love getting dressed up to go somewhere {the same place I went last week} I do enjoy the weather getting cooler so that I can wear jackets, cardigans & sweaters {Love!}  

-Spot the mustache??- 

Have I mentioned before that I adore the color mustard?  Well I do & today I paired it with my cute short grey jacket & one of my favorite colorful silk pins.  I love getting accessories that have lots of color because -it goes with everything!! Not to mention my favorite jeans {trouser pants} from the Gap & mustard heels what could be better----- 
what about a mustache to complete the outfit.   
{the perfect accessory, right?! ;)} 

-Hmmmm... which one to send into the Cultivate Blog??- 

I needed to take a picture for The {Original}  365 Swap coming up 
{next week- holy cow I better get busy!}  
A variety of cute little "stashes" were mailed out to everyone coming to The 365 Swap & they have been asked to take a picture of themselves & send it in for a chance to win a terrific stash of stuff !  
{Lots of prizes & goodies} 
Not that I am eligible to win but I wanted to for sure participate in the FuN! Can't wait to see all the pictures that the "Swap-ettes" send it. 
{I'm sure it will be hard to pick a winner}  

* Look what my hubby just walked in the door with for me- 
my FaVORiTE Carrot Cake from Taggart's restaurant, up by where I live, if you haven't been there it's worth the drive up. 
{Yumm- thanks Ty! He knows what makes me happy, love you! } 
-Maybe you could plan to stop by there after coming up the H&H Fall Show on
the 29th or 30th - just a thought!!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. That must be one massive fork you have there because I know that Taggarts DELICIOUS Carrot Cake is at least 5 times the size it seems in your picture......
    I'm drooling just thinking about it!

    OH- and love your silk pin!

  2. Thanks Mandy- Oh, don't worry it was a giant piece of Carrot Cake, as usual, the angle just made the fork look huge. But we enjoyed every last bite- so good!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}