
Rise & SHiNE!


  Holy Cow- it's 4:22 a.m. & I've been up for an hour already.  One of the "Turtle Twins" {Audrey} came up & got in our bed last night {why I don't know} but at 3:00 Ty took her back down to bed & I woke up WiDE AWaKE!!  My brain just started running with thoughts of things I had to do, emails I needed to send, phone calls to make & other ideas. So I decided to get up & at least accomplish a couple of things on my list.  
{I'm not making any phone calls at 3:30 a.m. - don't worry} 

This is what my Family did last night- the Utah State Fair!
We had a wonderful time. We meant primarily to check on the 2 GiANT pumpkins that my husband grew & entered in the fair.  But then of coarse had to ride a couple of rides & eat some fried foods. 
{I opted to eat a corn dog & not fried crickets- YuCK!} 
-These are 2 of the GiANT pumpkins my husband grew this year- one is still growing at the Pumpkin Patch- 

-the NeW State Fair record pumpkin-

-Riding on the Ferris Wheel- 

-Going down the giant fun slide- 

-Riding the Merry-go-Round- 

- Cute picture of Miss Mace with her Dad- 
While there we ran into some family & friends 
{which always make it FuN!}  
I saw my cute Cultivate friend, Haley, there doing a photo shoot with the most adorable little girls decked out in bright fun colors- it looked so fabulous- can't wait to see the pictures.  The Fox family {fellow GiANT pumpkin growers} there to check out the State Fair.  Did you know that there is actually a Utah Giant Pumpkin Growers Club?  Well there is & the official weigh-off is at Thanksgiving Point on the 
24th of September. 
{I have a feeling there might be a NeW State Record Set} 
-Our family with the Blue Ribbon State Fair pumpkin. CONGRATS Schmoopie!!- 
We even met up with my husband's Aunt & Uncle who were in town from Connecticut who wanted to see the Pumpkins.  It was a great night! 

-Nothing like a Corn Dog, Caramel APple & Popcorn at the State Fair!-
We had a fantastic time at the Fair!  
It was my 1st time on a Ferris Wheel- can you believe that?  
My Emily said to me, "Me too Mom, but I'm only 9 & you're 3*."  I guess I should have done it sooner ;) 

-Mace & I up high in the Ferris Wheel- FuN!- 
So now I'm just deciding whether to try & go back to bed or just greet the day
{since I'll be up in 2 hours anyway hmmm....} 



Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}