
What a "HoOt" !!

  Well look "Whoo" turned 13 last week. 
{I can't believe I am old enough to have an official 
teenager in the house}
Happy Birthday Miss Mace! 

I think she might just love owls as much as I do 
{she has numerous rings & necklaces of these feathered friends}  
She has wanted to have an owl themed party for awhile now & since her birthday is in the middle of Summertime we decided to celebrate with a Night-Owl party with an outdoor backyard movie. 

Since Miss Mace loves to bake so she made a whole flock of Owl cupcakes for everyone to enjoy. 
{Didn't they turn out cute?} 

 The eyes for these feathered friends are blond Oreos & Nutter Butters with Reese's pieces as the colored part of the eye, their noses were just a Reese's pieces turned on it's side- super easy!!
Mace just loved how they all turned out! 

One of the party activities was everyone making & painting their own Owl Rock Pet to take home with them.  
{see is actually wearing an owl ring}

 Each one of the girls rocks- they turned out so cute. 
{very colorful- I have to say}
The stage is set for the outdoor movie.  These vintage theatre seats came out of my hometown's movie theatre. 
{Lewiston - home of the $1 movie}
The city renovated the theatre a few years ago & my Mom snagged some for us to have. I just love having them to use- they are perfect 
{a bit heavy & bulky to move around but- priceless!}  

 The dessert table all dressed up & ready to have everyone dig in. I'm totally loving & embracing the "WoodSy" theme in just about everything I've done lately. It's so easy & fun to tie into anything you do.  I even wood burned "Whoo.. loves you?" into a piece of wood for Mace to have as a keepsake from the party.
{I signed it & wood burned the date on the back}

 I used a 8 ft. wooden plank {with the bark still on of coarse} as the table runner- super easy & clever! 
{If I say so myself ;) } 
I'm also excited to announce that I will be on Studio 5 next month talking about {& sharing} ideas on how to incorporate wood into your entertaining/decorating.  Yippee!!
{I mean just look at that cute cake stand- love it!} 
 It couldn't be a Movie Night without Popcorn - & LoTS of it! 
Miss Mace loves Popcorn {she gets it from her Dad} & wanted a variety of it for her friends to choose from. We had Carmel, Salty & Buttery {which Mace loves to sprinkle Parmesan cheese on} White Chocolate  & Marshmallow Popcorn to dig into & of coarse stripy straws to stick into their Root Beer bottles.
 Mace & her cute friends that came to the party 
 Happy Birthday to You- make a wish! 
 Let the movie begin- the weather was so nice, not a cloud in the sky & the perfect Summer evening to have an outdoor party. She even let her sisters & their buddy "crash" the party & watch the movie with them. 

 Then to end the night- Glow-in - the- Dark Chalk.  
{I told about this fabulous stuff in an earlier post} 
The girls loved it & had such a great time writing their names, tracing each other on the driveway & coloring on the trampoline {it's washable} at 11:30 p.m. & seeing it glow in the darkness. 
I'm telling you this stuff is Awesome if you are having an outdoor party, neighborhood get together or event-- you need to get some!! 

I thought Audrey's name turned out so cute 
{love that she writes her A as a Star!} 
You can get the idea of how much this chalk glows in the dark- it's so great! 

What a great day celebrating Miss Mace's birthday this year- it started driving home at Midnight from Harry Potter 7 & then ended 24 hours later with her playing outside jumping on the trampoline, drawing with glow- in the dark chalk & being giggly with friends. 



  1. What a fun night!! I love the owl theme and the cupcakes were so cute (and delicious!!)

  2. Cute party for a super cute girl. When did she get so old?

  3. So very cute!! Wow. I love of the details. I will have to catch that episode of Studio 5 when it's availabe online.

  4. What a cute party! Tell Macey Happy Birthday from me!

  5. Okay seriously! You guys have done it! This is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Happy bday Mace! I couldn't tell what movie??

  6. Looks like it was a lot of fun and all of the decorations turned out great. Mace you get prettier and prettier every time I see you.

  7. everything turned out so cute, thanks for sharing the pics.

  8. The movie was Princess and the frog! my friend has never seen it so we had to watch it! it was such a fun party! love you mom!!
    Miss Mace

  9. Soooo Fun!! Where do you get that fun chalk??

  10. the Glow in the Dark chalk is by Crayola & I've gotten mine this Summer at Target in the Summer toys section.

  11. So this is where that car load of wood went! Such a fun idea for a party!
    I am going to have to get some glow in the dark chalk for my girls too! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Christa, haha! The truck load of wood was used for this & a few other projects ;)

  13. such a CUTE party!!! :) glad you linked up for post of the week!

  14. You are such a great Mom to your girls!!

    When I saw the owls and the nutter butters guess what I thought? I still remember several years ago you dropped off some very cute santa's made out of those cookies. I loved them!

  15. cute party! How did you do the movie screen? Sounds like something my grands would love to do


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