
Something I live by....

 Some of my FaVORiTE motto's in life are.... 
Everything looks better served on a cake stand
{so true!} 

& Presentation is EvERYTHING!

I mean just look how cute these big chewy Gingerbread Cookies look all snuggled in this vintage wooden tote box lined with patterns. 
Don't you just want one? 
{I love when I get a last minute inspiration that just clicks in my head- tah-dah!}
-these are my Grandma Hall's FaMous recipe & one of my favorites!!- 
This must mean we are in Celebration mode 
at our house today. 
We get the opportunity to host a 50th Wedding Anniversary open house in our yard tonight for 2 amazing & sweet people. They have been wonderful friends, teachers & examples to our family. 
We love them alot & are excited to celebrate with them tonight at our home. 
{now back to the last minute preparations} 
{Thanks to all my sweet friends & neighbors who helped out by making cookies, taking pictures & bringing over chairs & tables} 



  1. What a great idea to use patterns as a basket liner!! I will definitely keep that in mind!

  2. Very Clever....Those look like YuMmy treats!! HooRaY for Summer and outdoor parties!

  3. Thanks friends! Those cookies were a favorite at the Open House.


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