
My Saturday plans

Yeah- NO soccer games to go this weekend so I'm off bright & early to do some shopping. 
  Headed to this Market that only comes around 2x a year to try & get some of this-

Look at all that cute stuff!
{there is LOTS more where that came from too- believe me}

This Market is hosted by my sweet friend Sheryl & her daughter Karah.
They make  & find the greatest stuff.  I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite finds from the
Market over the years.

-Our own personal eye chart. When I saw this a year ago I just fell in love with it even though I didn't know what to do with it.  It has been a great accessory in our home!-

-My scalloped garland I got last Fall- LOVE this! 
I think it is the perfect thing to float above my chocolate bunnies-

I wonder what I'll find this time that I just can't live without.
Maybe I'll see you there.
{go HERE for all the Market details}


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