
Look how cute!


Just wanted to share some pics that I got in an email from one of my blog follower friends.
{I enjoy hearing from you that follow, stalk or just read my blog-
I {heart}comments & feedback!} 
She loved the {Faux} bunny decorating idea I shared last week that she went right out in search for some herself.  When she couldn't find any chocolate ones she decided to make due with what she did have.

She painted, sanded & painted & sanded until she got these little beauties

Ta-da!  Don't they look scrumptious?
Way to go A!  They look fabulous & you're a much better person than I am because I would be too lazy to go through all that work.
They look delicious!
Thanks for inspiring me to make my own Faux Chocolate friends when I can't find any in the store.

By the way I enjoyed running into so many of you at the Scraps of Simplicity market this weekend. Seeing you all & doing some shopping on the side made my day!


**Don't forget to enter for a chance to win an invite to the
365 odds & ends Swap next month
{you have until Wednesday at Midnight}
-go HERE for all the details-
**thanks to everyone who has entered from my blog already**

1 comment:

Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}