
Today's the Day!!


Oh, I have Lots & LoTS to do but before I did anything more I wanted to announce the name of the winner of the H&H Red Frame GiVEAWAY!!
{I loved reading all your entries, I got some new ideas on how to celebrate V-Day. Thanks to everyone
for playing along} 

I usually have one of these 3 girls help me pick the winner before they go to school but it didn't work out this morning so.... I decided to still have them help me out by adding all their ages together & picking that entry name as the winner {clever huh?}
8+12+8= entry #28
{super excited to be able to do a # that high because I've never had that many comments before- thanks!}

The Morrisons!!!
{who loves heart shaped cookies & lots of candies!} Me Too!
*I know there are several Morrisons out there so the one who entered email me your address & I will be sending the fabulous red frame your way- exciting!

Now back to work, lots of last minute little details to get done
{including frosting some cupcakes yum!}
-Hope to see you later today or tomorrow at the H&H SWeeT show-

Tonight from 6:00-8:00 &
tomorrow from 10:00- NooN
{email if you need directions or look over to the right ;) }


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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}