
I'm back {sneak peek}

Whew.. time for a quick break to post a sneak peek of just a few of the things you will find at the 
 H&H SWeeT Show
Such a wide varitey to things this year to choose from

-Candy, signs, frames, SWEETS, handmade Valentine cards & did I mention yummy treats?-

-Valentine Boards, Candy jars, vintage inspired Valentines Day garlands & H&H frames-

-Vintage inspired Valentines day garlands, Valentine card making kits-

-LOTS of the color or the year around my house today- HONEYSUCKLE!-

-and just a bit of LuCK for Good Luck!-
Hope you saw something you liked.  For those of you who have never been to one of my shows before, everything is unique & one of a kind- no 2 things look alike {yeah!}  Of coarse I can make you a custom order of something if you would like it in a different color or something like that.

Okay, {deep breath} I'm off to finish getting ready for the night!
Maybe I'll see you soon ;)



  1. Heard the fam came up! Looks so darling. Hope the night went well. Call you tomorrow.

  2. Oh this is all so cute Melissa! I came to see if you had an etsy shop set up--I was hoping to order a couple of frames for a boys room I'm working on :)

  3. Tiffany- call me! :) I'd be happy to make up something for you. For your home or a clients?


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}