


{Thanks to my Sister Becca for downloading some cute fonts for me to play with & showing me how to use Picassa!! Maybe I will actually go buy photo shop one of these days & play around with that too, it's so fun!}

ANYWAY-  Dates & times for the H&H SWeeT Show-
Thurs. Feb. 3rd 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Fri. Feb. 4th from 10:00 a.m.- NooN
{My home- 4011 Lilac Lane in Mt. Green}

- All H&H fabulous word boards & lovely frames will be for sale as well as some sweet treats to give your loved one all packed up in cute little containers & boxes.
{or you can buy it by the pound if you would rather ;)

Hope you can come & don't forget to bring a friend or 2
along with you.

Have a wonderful day {I better get to work!!}

**p.s. I may just have to do a giveaway or something too, we'll see if I feel the love.
{hint, hint, leave a comment! ;) }


  1. I think you should for sure do a giveaway and give it to me! :) I mean, we share the same name and everything. :) Your stuff is so stinkin cute and I'm in serious need for some Vday decor. I think I only have two or three things. Slacker, I know!

  2. Yeah! I'll be coming :) I missed the last one so I'm way excited.

  3. Yay! I am in desperate need of some V-Day stuff. Hopefully, Sharee and I can break away from our kids and venture over! Can't wait!! And yes...giveaways are ALWAYS a bonus because I always win! ;)

  4. I just got out a valentines frame I bought from you last year! I love it! :)

  5. I will be coming and bringing my Sis in law... She saw your blog and can't wait to come!!

  6. Love your stuff!!
    We will be in Utah next weekend,wish your show was then!
    I would love to win and bring your fun stuff home to Texas!

  7. Melissa is just one of those people that people are drawn to. I love looking at your blog everyday for inspiration. I am now a more creative person. you decorate so well and make everything look so good.

  8. Seriously, your stuff is so unique and amazing! I'm excited that I can finally make it! Can't wait.


  9. Oh, thanks everyone! Your sweet comments have made my day. So happy to hear about the H&H stuff you already have that makes you happy when you put it out. Now back to being crafty :) Hope to see you all in 2 weeks.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}