
CHeeRS to Honeysuckle & all things PiNK!


Okay, I'm taking a second to update the blog in between painting, staining, sanding & creating some H&H things, to share some exciting news with you!
Maybe you already know this {but since my finger nails are all shades of this color right now} I thought I would tell you all anyway ;)

Each year Pantone picks a CoLoR of the Year, that influences fashion, home decor & is usually the "it" color to have in the year ahead.  Last years was- Turquoise &
I loved having that color around.
But the CoLoR hue of 2011 {the must color} is -

-Honeysuckle!  A sherbety pink with a little bit of red & orange mixed in- WOW!
So in honor of the Color of the year I am making lots of pinkish things to have for sale at the H&H Sweet show next week. 
{Feb. 3rd & 4th- info on the side bar}

I think an H&H frame {wink, wink} would be the perfect way to introduce some Honeysuckle into your life.
{if you are like me & not really that big of a pink person} 
You would think I would be with 3 girls running around but not really & either are they- go figure?!

I'm curious- are you a pink person??So this year I am going to look for ways to embrace this color into my life- whether it be a new shirt, a necklace or a great new hair accessory or a pillow or something. 
It does make me feel happy seeing the color- it's very cheery.
Plus, I wouldn't mind having this centerpiece either on my kitchen table- so pretty!

-I'm painting things for H&H in ALL these shades- by the way!-
Well back to work!  Sorry, but the blog posts seem to go the way of the world for a bit when I'm getting ready for a show. {too much to do} 
I will be back with a sneak peek or 2 soon & I do appreciate all the comments lately- thanks!
*by the way I had the hardest time typing Honeysuckle & not Honeybee
through out this whole post, haha!

Have a wonderful night!

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