
Snowflakes & such


 I think it's time for all the snowflakes to melt & go away! {at least the decorative ones in my house anyway} Does anyone feel the same?   

I love when a new month is approaching & I start to put away all the decor from the previous month & look forward to change & NeW things to surround my family with.  I love my snowflake collection but it's time to put it away until next year.  Speaking of snowflakes I did have the pleasure of going to Gourmet Club this past week at my friend Erika's home & dined under giant tree branches with lots of glittery snowflakes dangling from them & piles of pillowy white snow & white candles on the table top. It was gorgeous & an amazing wintery scene not to mention all the  yummy comfort food we had & LOTS of chocolate.  {I mean... Smores hot chocolate- delicious!} Can't wait to share pictures & recipes with you soon from our Gourmet blog.
{I'll let you know when it all posts!} 

-My snowflake collection photographed by my friend Courtney-
Although I have been very busy getting ready for H&H's show this week I got to go experience something close to home with my husband & kids on Friday & enjoy a little snow before it's all gone - SNoWBaSiN Ski Resort!  Yeah, we finally made it up to ski & had a fabulous day on the slopes, not a snowflake in sight, just a gorgeous sunshiney blue ski day.  I was so proud of my girls {their 1st time skiing} they tried, & tried again & had a great time & can't wait to go back again.

OKAY- enough talk about snowflakes & such.  I wanted to announce that I will be posting info. about a
 H&H giveaway
tomorrow- so please check back to enter! 
{so excited to give this away!! }

Happy day of Rest!
{lots to do tomorrow}


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