
A Soiree 2010 re-cap

Since it is snowing outside my home right now & the kids are all out playing in it,  I thought I would blog since I have a second.  I wanted to share some photos of the Soiree I hosted a couple of weeks ago.  Thanks to my amazing friend, and backdoor neighbor, Rachel I have all these fabulous pictures of the night.  Thanks Rachel- you can check out her photography here

Like I mentioned a post or two ago a Soiree is- an evening party or gathering with friends.
I got the idea to host an ornament party from a lady that hosts one every year in her home for neighbors & friends in Mt. Green. I decided to take it a step further & bring my friends together from near & far.  Since we had recently moved up here, when I started this 3 years ago,  & friends up by us didn't know the friends we had in Layton & vice versa I thought a Holiday Ornament Soiree would be the perfect way to get them all together under one roof. {I WISH my roof was bigger to accommodate alot more!} 
  It has been fun to watch new friendships & connections be made through this party.

Oh, how I LOVE to entertain & throw a party
Everyone was asked to bring a dish to share & we had a wide variety of tasty things!
{I provided the sweets, treats & drinks}

A few of my friends who made the long trip up to Mt. Green- thanks friends!

-Marce & Lesa on the chairs

-Sheryl, Becky & I 

-Terra, displaying the yummy buffet, as I jumped in the picture 

- A pile of gifts just waiting to be snatched
                                                                     {I will say that everyone brings all their ornaments wrapped up so pretty & festive!}

Miss Mace & some of her buddies from Layton- Hannah & Brin
{They were also the official coat hanger uppers, picking out the winning #'s of the drawings & announcing
the drawing winners} Thanks girls!

 Dennette & Mindy

I'm so sad I didn't get in on this picture- dang it! 
Here is everyone showing off their #'s for the drawing. 
Each person gets a number & that is the order in which they get to pick their gift. 
I used old dominoes, # tags & some scrapbook paper #'s.
Poor Nicole got #1 {1st to pick & to be stolen from} & Cindy showing the winning # of 30 {meaning she was last to pick so she could steal any ones ornament at the end & make them pick a new one- which sadly was ME!} 
I still ended up with a good sparkly snowflake to add to my collection.

-Nicole, Rachel, Janet, Mandy, Cindy & Melinda-

I love this picture of everyone visiting, chatting & laughing in my kitchen.  That's what this whole night is about. 
I'm grateful to have so many fabulous friends around me who inspire me each & everyday by their examples & how they live their lives. 
& last but not least Mandy showing off her little scrumptious chocolate cupcake- so yummy!

Another wonderful Soiree in the books- can't wait until next year.
I already found some great ornaments {on sale-yeah!} to give out next time.

Happy Wintery day everyone!

**Oh, one last thing this was the ADORABLE invite Rachel designed for me.  I totally loved it & it set the mood for the whole evening- fun, festive & full of charm.  Thanks again Rachel- you talented lady!!

1 comment:

  1. It was one of my highlights of the season. I'm going to be really good this year so that I might possibly get an invite next year :)


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