
Here's to a wonderful & fantastic year!

I am going to miss saying Twenty-Ten.  I have really liked the sound of it. But here is to Twenty-11 & all it's possibilities. 
 I love to reflect each New Years Eve & think about the past year, accomplishments, failures, things I want to improve on, goals checked off the list & others to add to the list for the next year.

In January I picked a word that I wanted to focus on & kind of guide my thoughts & actions for the year ahead.  The word I choose was- Stretch.
Here is why I choose it {as recorded in my journal}
I always feel better after I stretch in the mornings or go to Yoga class.  I choose this word because there are always things I can do better, reach a little higher & extend a little further to accomplish.  I like that is was an action word because I need to do better at getting all the little ideas out of my head of things I want to accomplish & put them into action. 

Just one little word but as I think back it sure had an major impact on me for sure. 
Here is just a little sampling of some of the ways I "Stretched" in 2010
{unfortunately at this time of year I think I have stretched my waist band a little bit too- crap!}
-was asked to be the PTSO President for the Middle School
-went on a zip-line for the 1st time in my life to celebrate Ty & my 15th anniversary!
& I would do it again in a heart beat & could have kicked myself for not being brave enough to do it sooner especially while we were in Jamaica
{those who know me well know how BIG of a thing this was to do}
-accepted a church calling to play the Organ in church
{have NEVER played before in my life but quite enjoy it now}
-was featured on Studio 5 in November
{so fun & I hope, HOPE to do it again.  Courtney if you are reading- call me ;) haha!}
-Organized, planned & put together The Hive
{2 others followed- see you in 2011}
-Started club Cultivate with 3 other talented amazing friends
{helped plan the 365 Swap- so fun!}
- Attended *Spark* wa-hoo! 
- oh & maybe one of the biggest & hardest stretches was finally starting a BLOG!

Just a few things that I am proud of having done this year. 
 Now on to thinking about my 1 little word for 2011
hmmm, so many possibilities.  I have it narrowed down to a few &
I'll let you know the word in the new year.

Happy New Year everyone!
{Happy B-Day to my Shmoopy today too # 38}


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I am reading! Lets talk and brainstorm some ideas I can pitch! Happy New Year!


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