
Sneak peek at The Hive!

12.3.10- {a little later in the day}
Oh, my gosh so many cute things in my house right now!  I love having it all set up so I walk around & look at all the charming things. 
{Shoes, shirts, sweet treat, candy jars, wreaths, holiday frames, headbands, jewelry & so much more!}
-Captures Photography- come get a coupon for a free sitting fee in Jan. or Feb-

-Nothing like a GiaNT peppermint stick-
-Mini boxes of Christmas ?'s & bingo cards to stuff your stocking-

-Leila Bird's little helper & my Buddy, H-

-Cute Christmas platters & candy jars-

-Leila Birds set up-

-Some winertime frames & decor from H&H-
 I love having it all set up so I can look around & see what I will want to purchase. 
So Hollyhocks & Honeybees, Lelia Bird, Apostrophy & Captures photography is all set up & ready to go.  {A BIG thanks to my sister Manda for helping me today & Ty, I couldn't do it without you!} The Hotch Potch girls are coming in a little bit.  yeah!  I love to see it all come together & know that there is so much here for people to choose from. I love the variety & style from all these wonderful vendors. 

Enjoy a little sneak peek into The {Holiday} Hive!

Off to get ready! {Yes, I'm still in my sweats}


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