
Just a few Thank-Yous!

  Just a few thank yous that I need to make:

-My {aching} feet- thanks for holding me up during The Hive
-EVERYONE that came!  From loyal clients {family & friends} who come EVERY time to a customer who came to the boutique after purchasing her 1st H&H frame 8 years ago {It was fun to chat with you Holly} to new faces which I hope to see again.
-My sister Amanda- who called to ask if I would like some help when she got off work early on Friday
{LIFE SAVER!} Without her things would not have gotten done- thanks Manda!
-Ty- for making me lunch, drilling holes, screwing things together {all last minute of coarse} & putting up & taking down the new Hive road signs. LOVE YOU!
-the 4 FABULOUS vendors- that came this time around. Thanks girls!
- Nicole {Leila Bird} for feeding Vanessa & I yummy chicken noodle soup & hanging around The Hive ALL NIGHT on Friday helping with greeting, bagging & just being a terrific support to me!!
-Vanessa-  My other sis, for cashiering on Friday.  All the years of pretending to play store paid off! ;)
- My girls- for putting up with me & all my craziness.
-Subway- for feeding Ty & my girls on Friday night
- Rachel-  for helping me with a little shin-dig I have coming up.  You are so sweet!
-Courtney- for the vintage Christmas CD that played during The Hive.
-Terra- for opening up her "shop" early to give my brows a wax before The Hive.
-4023 Lilac Lane- for letting my girls find shelter here & letting them play during the day & eat pizza for lunch. 
-Honey mustard cashews- for giving me something to munch on during Saturday.{from Costo-delish!} 
-The Cash register- oh, makes it soooo much easier. I should really give it a name or something hmmm, I'll have to think about that. 
-My New Candy jars {purchased from Leila Bird} they look so darling on my counter tops!
- The new Hive road signs- for leading some passer buyers to The Hive {yeah, they worked!}  Plus they are so stinking cute, if I say so myself.

Well that's all for now. I'll be back soon posting some pictures of my house decked out for the Holidays. 
 {There have been several requests for that- which is very sweet- thanks!} 



  1. THANK YOU, for putting together on super great Hive and letting me be a part of it. I am always so impressed by your talent and love being around you.

  2. I bought a cake plate at the "Thrift a Thon" just so I can be like you!! THANKS!!


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