


Wa-hoo- look what I found today!
{and only $12 even better} 

I love it! I dropped off Em at tumbling & went to my favorite little shop- The General Store in Layton. 
{I always find something fabulous there}

I am a sucker for anything metal & industrial looking to add to my home so when I saw this
I just HAD to have it.
Checking out The General Store has turned into my Thursday ritual during tumbling class, last week I found the most charming antique Christmas ornaments-  a real treasure to find!
Now I can display all the ornaments I like to collect in such a neat way.

Well just wanted to share something that made me happy today
{it was not the best day {blah} but ended up great!}

I'll post some more pics of what is for sale down in my shop soon.
{be sure to comment or email me if you see something you like}

Happy weekend everyone

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