
I {heart} Antropologie!


Ooh, how I love this store!  I get so excited when I turn the corner in a shopping area, in my recent case Ceaser's in Vegas, & see the Anthro windows.  Talk about a creative energy charge!! 
It gets my creative juices flowing for sure. 
So this past weekend I got to go on a quick little overnight trip with my hubby to Vegas {thanks Ty!}  It was a great weekend, great company, good food & Christmas shopping done- CHECK!

& this is what I feel in love with at Anthropologie this time around.
-FLOUR-  can you believe how charming this is?!? 
{snowy, fluffy white snow ;) }

I am off to the store right after I post this to make my own tiny winter scene on my kitchen island TODAY! 
{not to mention all the cute bottle brush trees that I love & collect}
-I like how sweet & simple it is but makes a statement-

 Does anyone else love to look at the Anthropologie windows?  I have to get down to SLC to see their windows, I haven't been yet this season. 
**Also if anyone knows of a blog/website that showcases all the Anthro windows I would love to learn about it.  I think it is amazing that each store if different & unique from the others- how I wish I could travel to them all!!

In 2006 Ty & I traveled down to Phoenix for the day & I discovered sugar cubes in the Anthropologie windows. They wrapped embrodery floss around them like little
 packages- DARLING but very time consuming. 
I started to assemble my own & only got 4 done 
 {I still have them on display on my counter- maybe I need to package up some more} 

LOVE to be inspired!!
{I could spend hours walking around in their stores & just taking it all in!}


** Don't forget about the after The {Holiday} Hive sale tomorrow from 9:00-11:00 a.m. at 4011 Lilac Lane**

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