
Day 16- Never thought I would say this & can't believe I haven't said this yet!


1.  Books! - As you can see we are ReaDiNG alot around here.  To be honest I am not the biggest book worm but I am enthralled with Mr. Harry Potter right now!! {maybe it's all the buzz about Part 1 of the Deathly Hallows coming out this week} I am currently on pg. 156 in Book #6 {My FAVORITE so far}, Miss Mace is close behind in book #5, Emily is starting off strong in book #1 & Audji decided to take a different route & read The Lightening Thief.
  No matter who is reading what it's nice to turn on the fireplace while everyone grabs their books & a comfy chair to sit in & we all read for a bit each night.  I WISH so badly I was done with book 7 so I could go see the movie this week but I'll have to wait. {any other late Harry readers out there?  Or am I the only one? } 

2. Early Morning hours- I love waking up early in the morning {beating the alarm clock sometimes} & being productive early in the day.  I am NOT a night person, those of you who know me well, know that bedtime is pretty early around here at the Quigley's. 
This morning Miss Mace was off early morning Volleyball at school {6:40 to be exact} & A&E woke up around 7:00. They grabbed their books & jumped in my bed to read for awhile. 
  It was a great way to start the day.

3- CHOCOLATE-  I can't believe I haven't written this down on my list yet!  I {heart} anything chocolate!! It  is definitely one of my weaknesses but it's oh so good!  My sister just introduced me to the Hershey's Mint Truffle Kisses- oh, my goodness! 
I think I have a new favorite treat- hope Santa fills my stocking up with those this year.

Oh, I got a fun little package in the mail today, I have been waiting a long time for this!
{Wish I would have had it in time for Magazine Monday last week}
*Only 2 days until my home, friends & I will be featured on Studio 5*



  1. I'm guessing you are the only adult who has not read the Harry Potter series. Just kidding I can think of a few:) They are my most favorite books and love to reread them. Enjoy!

  2. Guess what? I'm a big reader of books but I haven't read any of the HP books yet! My husband and kids have read through all of them. Carson just read them all for the 1st time this spring/summer.

    Good luck tomorrow!


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