
Day 15- Attitude of Gratitude

  Sorry today's post is a little late {Okay, is there really anyone out there that is reading this?} But I had to think back on the day to find my 3 grateful things for the day.

1- Good Neighbors {friends}- I had one of my cute neighbors knock on my back door this afternoon{aren't back door neighbors the best?!}  with some homemade hummus & carrot sticks. Which was the perfect after school snack for the girls!  I also had 2 other neighbors come & visit me today & they brought me a little gift too. 
-I don't know what I did to deserve such kind, thoughtful friends & neighbors to be around everyday!-
{I'm so lucky!!}

2- My health & strength- I'm grateful that I can exercise, hug my kids each day, take care of myself & just do the normal every day things without any problems.  The body really is an amazing thing when you stop & think about it.  I'm grateful for my heart, my mind, my eyes, 10 fingers, 10 toes, ears to hear- our bodies are just incredible things!

Miss Mace

Emmy {Turtle Twin #2}
 3- Daughters
I just love these 3 girls!  I love having these pictures of the 3 of them that shows off their different personalities.
They make me laugh, cry, feel frustrated at times, overjoyed, happy, tired, sad & most of all grateful.  I I'm glad I get to be their Mom & celebrate life with them.  They truly are a joy in my life!!
Audji {Turtle Twin #1}

-Quote of the Day-

Happiness is not having what you want but
wanting what you have



  1. Melissa, I have loved reading everyone of your posts! I am just not very good to leave a comment. But tonight I decided that I wanted to make sure you knew how very thankful I am for you my 25th street friend!! What a blessing you are in my life!!
    Can I have your autograph?....can't wait to see you on t.v. this week!! Love Ya, Becky

  2. I have to admit that I read this every day. I love it! Melissa is an amazing wife and mother. When are we going to go to the Alps??? We need to get some stamps on our passports before we look too different than our pictures! Love you!!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}