
Top 10 things!

  I have been looking forward to posting the date of 10.10.10 for awhile now. What a fun day!  I think I will celebrate it by having my family write down a couple of top 10 lists: 

Favorite things to do
What they like about themselves
places they would like to visit
favorite foods
favorite smells {we already did this awhile ago & it was so fun to see the responses- mine Lemons!}
what they are thankful for
or just 10 things that make them happy. 

This is will be a great little journal entry for them to look back on years later to remember this unique day.
So 10 things that I am happy about today-

1-Warm comfy bed- it was chilly this morning!
2- Pumpkins, squashes & gourds
3- Family
4- Family photographs {we recently had our pictures taken & I'm looking through 534 pics to edit}
5- Our home
6- Wonderful friends & neighbors
7- Sunshine
8-the smell of homemade wheat bread rising {the waiting to eat it is the hard part}
9- my grey long sleeve T-shirt I have on right now
10- Quiet {my kids are all doing a different activity right now & it's peaceful. I enjoy watching them be creative in their own different way}

Happy 10.10.10 everyone!  Look around you & find 10 things that would make your list today.



  1. Oh Melissa, you are just so creative. I love that you did this. I had fun reading it. Thanks for being such an inspiration.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}