
365 Swap

 I have so many things/ideas to share that I might be posting everyday for awhile.
{maybe I'm finally getting the hang of this blogging thing}

I wanted to tell you about the fabulous night I spent with some friends awhile ago. My Cultivate friends {Haley, Nicole & Jenn} & I planned, hosted & carried out our first 365 Swap.  What is Cultivate you may be asking- well, it all started over lunch at the Bun Basket, last November, with one creative, inspiring & wonderful friend & turned into a small group of talented, business oriented, amazing women.  Our goal was to start a little "club" where we would met each month for lunch discuss our lives, businesses & aspirations.  Our hope was as we talked we could springboard new ideas, give some guidance & advice to help each other. 
It has done that, for me, & so much more.
We picked the name Cultivate because it encompassed all that we wanted to get out of meeting each month together.

We decided we needed to have a project, something to plan & work toward & it turned into the 365 Swap. We all have a passion for antique shopping, junk finding & just appreciating good things.  
{365 for a yard sale we learned about it the Midwest that is actually 365 miles long.  How Fun is that!}

We each made up 10 invitations, invited some friends that we knew liked a good bargain {well loved & junky things} planned a menu, set the ground rules for the swap, made up darling nametags for each swapper, provided the clothes pins & had a lot of fun. 
{Oh, I forgot to mention we set up a Candy Bar station & made fake mustaches for fun photos}
I mean seriously, look how cute to have the drink station set up on a old black piano- loved it!

The yard looked darling with the hanging ecclectic decor {lampshades, giant tracing cards & vintage handerchiefs } the whole thing was so charming! It was a wonderful evening.

Each person that came could bring up to 7 items that they wanted to swap.  I have to say there were lots of great stuff to shop from. Everyone got a clothes pin for each item that they brought to Swap, wrote their name on it & then placed it on an item that they wanted.  If there was more than one clip on an item, all the clips were literally drawn out of a hat {a cool vintage army hat to be exact}
{I was not so lucky- 0 for 6.  But at least I had good taste to want the same thing as so many other ladies}

This is a picture of me with all the "winning clips"  on my hips. After we drew a name/clip from the hat I held onto them because all  the others who didn't win got a chance to "re-shop/swap" for anther item.

The {Cultivate} girls
Thanks to Haley {2nd from the left} for hosting it in her backyard, the perfect stage, & having the most amazing garage full of treasures to use to pull this whole thing off.  Nicole & Jenn {3rd & 4th from the left} you guys are awesome- so glad to be friends & yes, I did bring enough Pumpkin Bars {recipe to be posted soon-yum!}

We loved doing this so much that we have talked about doing another in the Springtime. 
 If you would be interested in attending the next 365 Swap, leave me a comment & let me know. 
{You can start working on putting together your pile of things now ;)}

{Chatting & enjoying an Indian Summer night in Sept. with friends!}

This post has taken me way to long to put all together so I'm tired & off to bed.
Sweet {Swappy} dreams!



  1. ooh ooh pick me pick me! :) Sheryl told me all about this!!What a fantastic idea! I would love to be apart of this- you are so creative- love all the details you guys put into the 365 swap! To entice you I will bring cupcakes to share! :)

  2. Wow! What a cute, cute, way fun idea! I want IN for SURE! I have been ransacking my Mom's basement to decorate with all her old vintage JuNk! I can't get enough, love it. How creative are you guys, so FUN!

  3. Ok, girls you're in! Thanks for the comments :) Kalani, yes please bring some of your yummy cupcakes. Can't wait to see you this weekend at the Market, I can taste the scrumptious chocolate cupcake w/ blue coconut frosting right now!

  4. What a fabulous idea and event. I would love to be included.

  5. OOO I want to come next year!! I love good junk!!

  6. Fun!! I am in always for fun :) Fun+Bargains=HeaVEn!!


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