
Hello October! {& a giveaway}

I love turning over the calender to start a new month. Especially when it is one of my FAVORITE months!
{cool evening nights, leaves changing, pumpkins on the porch, football games, eating lots of Fall yummy soups & of coarse Halloween.  Which is quickly becoming one of my favorite holidays}
So bring on October-yeah!

Hope you are all planning on coming next week to
Hollyhocks & Honeybees "Boo"-tique
{Augh, so much to still do & only a week to do it in}
Thursday Oct. 7th from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
& Friday Oct. 8th from 10:00 a.m.-Noon

Since I love October  I want to celebrate its arrival by giving away one of my FAVORITE things.
{I sound a little like Oprah}
So to those of you who follow my blog, or even those of who stalk ;), here is your chance.  All you have to do is leave a comment telling me a couple of your favorite things about October.  It has to be a comment on the BLOG no emails will be accepted, sorry.
I'm going to give away a Bath & Body Leaves {my favorite smell} scented candle.

Good Luck! Can't wait to hear what you love about this month too.


  1. One thing?? I don't know if I can do that - I dedicated a whole post on my blog to my favorite things about fall, because it too is my favorite time of year!! So if I have to pick one I will say them smells! It reminds me that my favorite time of year truly is here!!

  2. Ticey, your right I shouldn't limit it to just one thing, there is too much to love about this time of year. I changed it :) By the way I thought you would for sure say the Pumpkinaze!

  3. Well I love Fall and October especially because its the month of my Brithday!!! I also love eating all the fun foods that comes with fall and wearing all my sweaters and wrapping up in a snuggly blanket to read a good book or watch a movie. And if it was still acceptable I would still go trick-or-treating. I guess I better start having kids so I have an excuse to go.

  4. Hmmm, some of my favorite things. Not feeling like I need to weed my flowers anymore is at the top of my list :). I also love that we can play outside all day without getting too hot. And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE decorating for Halloween. It's my favorite holiday to decorate for!

  5. My Birthday!! Gonna hit the big 3-O. If I could choose more it would be pumpkin bread & pumpkin chocolate cookies.. Ooh and hot chocolate.. And the leaves... and the crisp air. Okay I'll stop now!

  6. It's BIRTHDAY MONTH! Even birthday week for that matter. Maddie's, Dex's, and MINE!

  7. I just love that everything is starting to change! I love change!!

  8. I love October because the trees start turning tie dye, the crisp air, picking apples, and soup it's my favorite food! If I win will you mail it to Oregon? Miss you guys, wish I could come to your Bootique.

  9. Playoff Baseball
    World Series Baseball
    Start of the Heart of Football Season
    Beginning of Basketball Season
    and, are you kidding me, my birthday as well!

    October really is Rocktober! Favorite month, bar none.

  10. Wow so many birthdays! I love October because the air feels so crisp, the leaves crunch, decorating with pumpkins and lanterns to light the night, making GLITTER pumpkins, soup, sweaters, Holly-hocks & Honeybees BOOtique, black&orange, I just LOVE October!

  11. Oh! I LoVe fAlL! and so maaaany things about it!
    SouP {you know my favorite tradition}!!
    {K} bIRtHDaY
    HaY RIDe
    FaLl DeCorAtiOnS {especially HaLlOWeEN!

  12. There are too many things to name that I love this time of the one I was most excited about was the other day when I came across Pumpkin Ice Cream at the Oaks. Pumpkin Ice Cream!!! It is the best! One time I had it with pie crust pieces. If I ever found it with Pie Crust again I would be filled with the utmost joy of Fall!

  13. I can't believe it! It's not only my birthday month but now it's my LUCKY month as well!!! Way better than March, huh? Thanks for making my day and don't worry about mailling it ;)

  14. In October I love apple cider, crunching across fallen leaves, pumpkin pie, Halloween, fires in the fireplace, sweaters and gloves, playing in leaf piles, hot chocolate, and, of course, chicken soup with rice.

    urchiken at gmail dot com


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}