
Whoo, Whoo's a little obsessed?


  That would be me!  I can't get enough of these little feathered friends.  I saw a large ceramic one at one of my favorite little shopping spots, The General Store, & was sad to see that it had a SOLD sign on it :(  {My day was ruined!}  But it quickly turned around when I had to go get some supplies for H&H & found these 2 little guys at 50% off, hooray!! 

{photo courtesy of Miss Macey}

It's great to have collections & find little treasures to add to it. {I guess it's a hobby of mine} My collections have evolved over the years it used to be little chairs, cake stands & bumblebees & now I guess its OWLS.  
So I'm a little curious, what do you love to collect right now? 

Off to the BIG pumpkin weigh-off today at Thanksgiving Point. Go McQuigley Pumpkins!!


  1. ummmmm....Hollyhocks and Honeybees items. :) Basically all of the decorations I have in my apartment have come from you. I also am liking buying books and houndstooth items. There was a chair at Thanksgiving Point that I wish I had the money for.

  2. Thanks Becca! What kind of chair? There was a pillow that I wanted at T.P. & maybe even one of those creepy cool halogram pictures. I might have to go back.

  3. It was just a regular old fashioned chair but the seat and back where houndstooth cushions. If you go back, let me know. I want to come too. :)

  4. Hi Melissa!

    I always love looking at all the things you post here! Thanks for your sweet comment--we will be just be building in a neighborhood down the street from us about a mile :)

    I'm going to miss seeing you this year!


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