
*Spark* photos & 39


I wanted to share some photos from *Spark* that I attended this past weekend. There was so much to see & take in. Even the building itself was decorated! I can't imagine the time it took to do that, let alone the amount of chalk it took to create it, but it was so fun to pull in the parking lot & be greeted by the chalk art. I loved the giant letters with the lights around them, they looked so cute at night.

The ladies in charge, Margie, Rhonna & Liz are super talented & creative. The worked so hard to put this all together right down to the tinest detail. The Main Hall was AMAZING! When I turned the corner to walk into it the first time it almost took my breath away. So much fun, whimsy, colorful decorations hanging from the rafters. I mean who thinks to hang a vintage pink bike from the ceiling-darling!

I loved this paper "chandelier" made out of just strips of colorful scrapbook paper & sewn together, darling.

Each table had it's own centerpiece, old typewriters, monopoly boards & playing pieces, vintage records, old cameras it was just so fun to see.{by the way these are taken with our little point & shoot camera but after taking a photography class I asked Santa to bring me a NICE camera. Hope he delivers- wink, wink! }

You can see much better {professional looking} photos on the Spark website or get linked to other photos from there.

I think I will post tomorrow about what I learned at Spark. I made a list of 10 things each night so I wouldn't forget a thing, it was such a great experience.

Last but not least I got to share the weekend with my neighbor, friend & now *Spark*-Sister, Nicole & her Mom, Sydney. Nicole & I had been talking & planning on going to this for a year & we were so excited! It was fun to be with someone that enjoyed every second & appreciated every little detail of the weekend. Thanks Nicole!

I wish I would have taken more pictures of the terrific & talented other women that I met from all around the country. I was amazed at all their talents & creations.

Can't wait for next year!

**Oh, I'm excited to say that I noticed I got a new follower today! Yeah- sometimes I wonder if there is anyone out there. Thanks Lynsie #39 follower :)


  1. The sweater you are wearing is SUPER cute!!! But as always you look darling!

  2. Santa may need a few more details about the camera.

  3. Santa could pick me up a nice camera as well if he felt like it. :)

    Loved the old typewriter. I need to got antiquing with you again. Glad you had fun!

  4. Oh I love your blog! And after seeing the pics, Im so jealous...I cant wait to see and hear all about it! -H


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