
A little girl with GR8 BIG plans!


Oh, I can't stop humming, singing & toe taping to all of the words of Mindy Gledhill's music!! {listening to it in the car today made errand running a treat!}What she shared with all of us that night was so inspriational & a true testament to never giving up on your hopes & dreams & believing in your self. It was an absolute pleasure to sit outside at an outdoor concert & listen to her sing at *Spark*
{I'm sad I didn't take any pictures of her singing in her fishnet tights & slip on Converse shoes :) }

Anyway, Anchor, is a delightful CD that I just want to share with all my friends. Actually the new song I added to my playlist is one of her's that she said has special meaning to her. She actually wrote it with a certain person in mind- NieNie. Such a wonderful song with a sweet message.
Come back later & I'll be posting some pictures that I took at *Spark* this weekend.

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