
My happy place.....


Today has been a looooong day for me!

One of those days when my feet ache, I'm exhausted & I just want everything to slow down for a second. To top everything off my kids & husband came in, ate dinner & were all out the door within 8 minutes. WHeW!! They all had some kind of activity to be at or go to.
When did life get so crazy??
I finally have a quiet moment to myself & wanted to share with you one of my happy places I like to go to {style me pretty blog}

I love, LOVE, LoVE it! If I ever get around to putting up a list of my favorite blogs this will be at the top!

Loved the colors & flowers in this bouquet! {it makes me wish I still had some peonies blooming in my yard & that I could grow rose bushes like we used to be able to at our old house, I miss them so much} These are my favorite flowers, I love the smell of them.

I am always inspired by something & creative ideas just start popping around in my head & I feel a little happier! So many fun, fresh ideas {not just for weddings} but entertaining, floral arrangements & decorating.
{it also makes me wish that I could re-do my wedding reception from 15 years ago- how times have changed!} At least it gives me lots of ideas for down the road when my 3 girls get married.

So true, cupcakes always make me feel better :) I especially enjoyed this wedding that was featured because it had everything to do with bees & honey {so sweet!} I thought their colors were so fun, just orange & yellow {the turtle twins favorite colors by the way}
Just wanted to share something that made me happy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, how I love this blog. This was a super cute wedding. You are one of my favorite people to eat cupcakes with. P.S. Thanks for the cake last night, just one of the many awesome things about living next to you. I get to eat your yummy cake!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}