
Just a few thoughts


I love this phone & wish I had one for my studio.
{I'm really liking the color orange lately maybe I'm just getting ready for Fall my FaVoRiTe time of year!!}

I'm so glad I got up & went to yoga this morning. I wanted to stay curled up in bed, when the alarm went off at 6:35, but I listened to what my body needed & went, ahhhh.

I'm looking forward to taking a trip with Ty in a couple of weeks. It will be a good little quick getaway to the Sunshine State.

My girls are so great! I'm glad I get to be their Mom.

I'm looking forward to going here in 36 days. I can't wait to see what *Sparks* my creativity.

Loves adding a new song to my playlist & mixing it all around. Change is good :)

Excited to go to the D.I. today & unload bags of baby clothes I have been hanging onto for years & also look to see if I find any little treasures to bring home {I hope, I hope, keeping my fingers crossed}

Looking forward to going out to lunch with my girls today.

When I get home I think I will make a Zucchini Chocolate Cake, it's so yummy!

I need to put a date on the calender for the next Hollyhocks & Honeybees show. {I love, love love to make Halloween & Fall things- I'm excited!! } LoTS of ideas in my head right now of things to design & NeW things to make. Stay tuned!


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