
Glorious! {Weekend}

Oh, where to begin!
This past weekend was one of those perfect Summer eventful weekends that you can only dream about. I have been looking forward to this weekend for some time now & getting to celebrate it with family, friends & these 2 amazing girls. So proud of them!
Audrey & Emily were baptized on Saturday afternoon. It was wonderful! I had so much fun preparing all the little details for their big day, making invitations, memory books filled with letters from Grandparents, Great Grandmas, Ty & I & lots of sweet photos of the 2 of them, decorations to put up in the house & making lovely little cupcake toppers.
All themed in red, white & blue of coarse!

I had this little clipboards out for everyone to sign their names on who had come to their baptism. I wanted A&E to remember all the family & friends that were there to support them that day. These will go into their memory books too.

I put my vintage thermos collection to use again! {I'm so glad we started to collect these} I just love how these look filled with flowers, really retro & Summery.

Later that day we had a BBQ & an aMaZiNG firework show with friends that night {Thanks M&N} Sitting down for dinner I had the nicest thing said to me by a friend, of a friend, who was visiting from NYC this week. They had both thrown a picnic bridal shower for her sister, in SLC 2 days before, & borrowed some thermos, cooler & a couple of benches from me for the event. She asked me how much I charge? I laughed at that & told her nothing I just do a little designing & helping with events here & there. She told me that I need to start calling myself a Freelance Designer {a very NY thing, I think to say} but I so appreciated her thinking of me that way.
{Thanks A, it made my night!}

That evening was just perfect, the sky was the most gorgeous color at sunset, it took my breath away. The sky was lite up with the most amazing colors. It made me grateful to live in such a beautiful place, for the freedoms I enjoy & proud to be an American. It was fun to be outside on the cool grass sitting on blankets, eating Swedish fish, Popsicles, popcorn & Ice Cream sandwiches& just simply enjoying a Summer evening with friends.
The sky was later lite up with lots of red, greens, blues & silvers - it was a great show!

On Monday we drove up to my beloved hometown & celebrated the 4th {5th} of July with my family. There's nothing like watching the American flag come down the street, bands playing & salt water taffy flying at you by the fist fulls to make me love this Holiday! Then off to my parent's house for the party of all parties. {My Mom prepares for this party ALL YEAR long!}
Yummy food, water fights, Aunts, Uncles, cousins & lots of laughter. I LOVE my Family!!
To make it even better my kids have been terrific! Happy to be together, enjoying playing together & helping around the house when asked.
{keeping my fingers crossed that this will last & counting my blessings!}

I think we all really appreciated this weekend & the blessings that we have all been given.

-One Quote I love & try to live by daily is-
{Develop an attitude of Gratitude}
so true & it makes all the difference in the world!

Hope you had a {Glorious} weekend too!


  1. Looks like a great weekend! Sorry we missed it!

  2. I THOUGHT that was you guys doing the awesome fireworks over there. Thanks for the show! It was great. My family said "Gosh, I didn't know Mtn. Green did their own fireworks!" It was pretty funny. Congrats on the twins- they are getting so big!

  3. I agree the weekend was one of the best of my life.

  4. It was the best weekend! Loved being with the Turtle Twins on Saturday for their big day and then getting to watch the parade, get candy and play at mom's with all of you! Love you guys!


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