
As promised....


It's 3:04 a.m & I can't sleep so I might as well do something right??
I remembered that I never posted the pictures I received for the From My House to Yours Giveaway- so here you go!
{Thanks to everyone who entered, it was fun seeing some of my creations!
Some newer H&H designs & some vintage}

p.s. I know that there is probably a better way to show all these off but I don't know how to do it & it's 3:25 a.m so this is the best I can do :)

This little blue baby with the stars is a a ViNTage H&H for sure {circa 1998 maybe :) } I've come a long way, baby!

As you can see there is always something for everyone & every home. The entries came from as far away as Oklahoma & as close as my next door neighbor. I loved seeing everything displayed in your own homes & was very impressed! It has inspired me to keep creating & making things that you would like to have in your homes & as always each is unique & one of a kind {no two things look exactly alike- H&H's motto!}
Now off to try & catch some ZzzzzZz {wish me luck}

1 comment:

  1. Hey there you buzzing bee! It's 3:51 am now are you sleeping. I'm not! My guess is your aren't coming to yoga ;)


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