
From my house to yours


I was at my cute friend Texie's house last month & saw one of the NeW 5x7 flower frames, she bought, that I had made for The Hive in May. I loved seeing it put to use & it got me thinking!!
I always wonder after I have a show how all the things I create look in someone elses home, with pictures of their children & families in the frames, or how it is used in their homes decor. Is it on a table in the family room, tucked up on a shelf or hung in a bedroom.
I'm always CuRiouS.......
so here is your chance to show me & get something fun in return.

The from my house to yours GiVeaWay

-GuiDeLiNes for the GiVeaWay-
-Email a picture of an H&H product you have bought from any past Hollyhocks & Honeybees show or The Hive & how it is displayed in your home {}
-Be sure to leave me your name & full address with your photo.
-You have until midnight on Wednesday June 30th to enter & one winner will be drawn July 1st.
-This glittery patriotic home will be sent to one LuCKY persons home, just in time to celebrate the 4th of July! {how fun is that?} I adore these little houses & love making them for any occasion.

Have you already got your camera out? Are you looking around your house? I hope so! I can't wait to see what you have in your homes & how something created in my house is
used in your house.

**I am having an "after-the Boutique" sale at my home ONE DAY ONLY
10:00a.m.-Noon on Tuesday the 29th**
-LoTS of Summertime things & 4th of July decor for sale-
{I'll post some pictures soon of what will be available}


  1. Yippie, this sounds fun. I can't wait to send you my photos. Any chance to win a super cute glitter house :)

  2. What the heck, I missed it by 40 minutes. Couldn't I have until 2 a.m. or something. BTW this is a fabulous idea. I have some original H&H material. Post a picture of the Eclipse frames, I'm dying to see them.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}