
A few of my favorite things

Just wanted to share with you somethings I am loving right now - watching Top Chef, buying big, blingy,rings {I have way to many but they are so fun!} finding vintage globes, FaceBook, {I am constantly checking it!} using my new Caldrea cleaning supplies, Fresh & Clean lotion {from Victoria Secret, my friend told me about it & I LOVE it!} & I also tried a Pilates Fit class today at the gym & loved it!
& I'm loving making these & thinking about all the places they can be put to use.
-Hook Frames-

I am thinking about making some to put up in my Laundry Room to hang the wet towels that come in, with my sun soaked kids, to hang until they dry. I've also thought of putting some up in the girls bathroom for their bath towels. I think it would look darling in there. Maybe frames that are orange, yellow & blue their favorite colors with some patterened paper to match. What other ideas can you think of? {to hang necklaces from, sports ribbons, awards, or even hang a picture from}

I have this orange/ruler paper one up on my kitchen wall, by my back entry, to hang this & that {mostly bags & keys}

They can come in any color & size with a beadboard or patterned paper center & various styles of hooks to choose from. Any combination to match your decor style.

If you are interested in ordering some please email me.
Hollyhocks & Honeybees is ALWAYS open!
{you don't need to wait until an open house or boutique }
I would love to hear what you are LOVING right now, so leave a comment. Thanks to everybody that reads my blog & follows it! It's nice to know that people are actually reading this {sometimes I wonder :)}

**be sure to check back this week for details about an upcoming
SuMMeRTiMe GiVe aWaY!!**

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE mine! I got the turquoise one and I hung it next to my front door. And I have not hung anything from it, but I get SOOO many compliments on it! :) So just an idea :)Thanks!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}