
Something's blooming!!


I guess April Showers {Snow} can bring May flowers! I am just in love with these little {paper, buttoned, wood, plastic, bottle-capped} flowers I have been playing with. I have had such a fun time creating each little blossom. {As I watched the snow fall outside my studio window- what's up with that??} Anyway besides what the weather is like outside I have felt like Spring & Summer are right around the corner with Hollyhocks & Honeybees latest creations. I love the mix/match feel to each little bunch of flowers. By the way what do you think about the new bead board frames?

You can find all these creations blooming at Piper & Chloe this weekend & more will be sprouting up at The Hive on the 13th & 14th of May. {More info. coming soon about that- Check back next week for all the "buzz" & a give away}

I'm happy to have everything set up at Piper & Chloe {I'm tired} & I'm looking forward to serving a hot meal to my family & cleaning my house :)



  1. I was really going to try to make it to Piper & Chloe but it turns out that I will be babysitting. Hopefully I can make it to yours. Can we order anything online?

  2. Oh my gosh! The flowers are so stinkin' cute! I can't make it this weekend, but I love those...I may have to try to stop by sometime at the Hive.

  3. T-Times,
    If you like something of mine that I have posted just send me an email & I can make it for you & have it ready to pick up at The Hive. Just let me know.

  4. La la love the flower frames! And the standing flowers!? How much do you charge for the big flowers, I would love some for bergs flower themed room! Let me know, I can pick them up at the Hive too! :)


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