
Signs of the times


You can tell when I am getting ready for a show when:
1- There is a pile of dirty dishes in the kitchen sink

2- There is piles of unfolded laundry on my bed {usually it is all washed, folded & ready to put away when the girls get home from school}

3- When I haven't cooked a good hot meal for my family in a week- sorry guys!

4- When I don't do my hair or make-up each day.

5- When there is NO FOOD in the fridge & no snacks in the pantry {the kids like to let me know that}

6-When I have paint & stain under my fingernails

7-I haven't dusted my house in awhile :)

8-I haven't posted anything on my blog for a week! {I still wonder if there is anyone out there who checks this little spot?}

9-When my studio island looks like this-
{I even straightened it up a little before I took the picture :)}
Hope to see you at Piper & Chloe this Fri. & Sat or at The Hive 2 weeks after that!
{It's good to be busy, right?!}


  1. I read and now I listen to your tunes while I work. I love your blog and have found it featured many a time while blog stalking cute blogs.

  2. Thanks Amberlee! Hope it makes the work go by faster :)

  3. Is there more laundry on your bed? I thought we got it taken care of on Monday. Anyway Good Luck with your two shows, I know that you will do great.

  4. love the frames...make 2 of my 4 with the beadboard please:) Oh, how I wish I could go
    a-browsing this weekend, but 4 shoots and a wedding during this crazy snow/spring don't make it so easy:) Good Luck!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}