
Introducing.... TaDa Home Decor


  Today is a day I've been waiting for!  Very excited to announce a new business venture, TaDa Home Decor,  I'm starting up with my friend, Terra. 

This idea comes from a passion that both Terra & I share, of changing up the decor in our homes monthly.  We are this way because that's how both our Mom's decorated our homes growing up.  I always assumed that's how everyone decorated but from a few friends comments & getting asked questions about how I decorate & change things up so often I guess it isn't always so. 

-The TaDa Home Decor team, Terra & I-
The thought of changing up decor monthly can be a exciting & little bit intimidating if you're not used to doing that.  The purpose of TaDa Home Decor's collections is that everything is put together to give you an easy, great look that can be set up in minutes.  No running around from store to store, no stressing about what looks good together, no worrying about finding that unique piece to tie everything together all of that is done for you..... TaDa! 
{Get why we called it that? } 

With a click of a button on the new TaDa website you can order any {or all} of the featured collections & they will come shipped right to your door.  Each box will contain a photo of the collection, so you can recreate the look anywhere in your home, apartment or office space.  Collections can go anywhere on a mantle, bookshelf, table or ledge.  So many possibilities. Bonus- all the contents can be stored right back in the same box, the collection was shipped in, until the next year.  So convenient & simple! 

We have created one of a kind, charming hand crafted collections.  Items you won't find anywhere else. Isn't that fabulous!  You can learn more about the featured artists each month on your website.  

I get asked all the time about my decorating style.  Where I find all of my things?  How do I know to put it all together? Where did you get that from?  TaDa Home Decor is combining a little bit of all that & making it easy for you. It's a unique look that you won't find anywhere else!  So happy that H&H is included in these collections, thrilled to be a part of it as an artist too.  

There are currently 3 collections to choose from on the website.  Go & take a peek!  
July- Land that I Love 
August- Freshly Picked 
September- ABC's & 123's 

Collections will rotate & 3 will always be up on the website at a time.  Due to the limited quantity of the hand crafted items we encourage you to order early. Don't wait!  Introductory FREE shipping offered for a limited time. 

-LOVE the July collection all put together in all it's glory.  So festive & fabulous!- 
Thrilled to be part of this new adventure & bringing quality, unique decor into your home & lives.  I'd appreciate your help in sharing the website with your friends & family. You can also find & follow TaDa decor on Instagram, FaceBook & Pinterest 



  1. So excited for you ladies! LOOKS AMAZING!!

  2. Yay, it looks so fun! What a ton of work to coordinate. Makes me a little tired just looking at all the details. Wishing you good luck and many blessings (and customers)!

  3. What a fun idea this is! The collections are filled with darling things and I love that they are so varied in style. You ladies are clever!

  4. Thanks so much, friends!! We're excited about it too.

  5. Found you on instagram somehow, and I LOVE the collections! Such a great idea!

    Katie @


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