I've been thinking lately how important it is to have Cheerleaders in our lives. Those people who are always there to support, encourage & cheer you on. Oh, how I wanted to be a cheerleader when I was little. Don't get me wrong I was, just not ever an "official" one.
{I do have a set of blue & white pom poms that I use now , with my girls, to cheer on my Blue Devils & Cougars}
I got to cheer for my cousins playing football in my Grandparents yard every Sunday afternoon
{sometimes I really wished they would let me play... but NO}
I got to cheer at home Basketball games at Sky View High when I was little & stand up with the other 12 cheerleaders, my Mom even made me a darling blue & yellow cheer suit to wear & of coarse like any little girl growing up in the 80's I wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader! I even had the official record with the dance choreography to go along with it that I practiced & practiced.
Ummm.... this is the closest I ever got to that-
-Standing outside their locker room in the new Dallas Cowboys stadium, with Nicolle & LaRae, a dream come true! I think we could have made it ;) - |
But during the last week I've learned a few things...
Cheerleaders come in all shapes & forms. Whether it is your Mom, Dad & Sisters cheering you on in your
Up with Kids production of Alice in Wonderland....
-Audrey got the part of Cinderella {a dream come true for her} & she did a great job!- |
Cheerleaders can be a Grandma & Aunts that come to support you, watch you up on stage from their front row seats & bring you flowers that just happen to be your favorite color! {so thoughtful!}
-Audrey with Aunt Becca, Manda, Grandma Hall & Aunt Vanessa- |
Cheerleaders go the extra mile - My fabulous sister Becca not only brought flowers for Audrey that night but gave some to Miss Mace for having the courage to run for Student Council, Emily for finishing 5th in her state tumbling meet & me for appearing on Studio 5. How sweet is that! {Thanks Becca, that made all of our night!}
-I have them now in a cute honey can in my craft room- |
Cheerleaders take the time to come support 2 of their students in a play... Thanks Miss Sheanshang. That was so sweet of her to come. {Gotta LOVE teachers!!}
-Audery with Miss S. & her best buddy & fellow Oscar winner, Jane- |
Cheerleaders are thoughtful and send you good luck wishes, texts, comments on FB, emails all week long & even call before you go LIVE on TV. They want to see you succeed & cheer you on from the sidelines.
It helped me to know {and helped calm my nerves a bit} that so many friends & family were thinking of me & wishing me well. It was also fun to know that there were little "viewing parties" all over watching me, how nice! It was sweet to hear from so many family & friends when I got home & even the next day too.
-This Cheerleader on the left sent me little pointers & helpful hints throughout the week on what she has learned from her many appearances on Studio 5- thanks T!- |
Cheerleaders send letters. Last week I got several cards from friends that made my day! {I love mail!} One SWeeT friend wrote to say she would be watching & that she would even say a little prayer for me that day- a Cheerleader for sure!
-My terrific friends & {Cultivate} girls, Becky & Sheryl at the 365 Swap- |
Cheerleaders cheer for everyone... I watched 2 of my friends do something that really touched my heart by doing something for Miss Mace. Miss Mace ran for Student Council at her Middle School last week & found out Friday that she didn't make it. She was a little sad but seemed ok with everything. Later that afternoon my sweet friend, E, brought her over a bag of little treats & a nice card telling her what a amazing girl she is, it meant alot to her. {and me} Later that same night another friend, N, gave her a sack of her favorite things {Lemon drops} & a cute note to go along with it. These little acts of kindness meant the world to her because she looks up to both of them so much!
I 'm grateful to have Cheerleaders in my life that not only care about me but what is going on with my family as well.
{What a blessing!}
-A few of my Mt. Green friends!- |
Last but not least my biggest Cheerleader in life
{he won't like me calling him a cheerleader but oh, well}
my husband Ty. He was the one who told me I could go onto live TV & do well, he believed in me, drove down to the studio with me, helped hang up banners in the studio & was my camera man for the day. I thought it was so sweet that when we got home from KSL he emailed the link of the show many of his friends & business associates {most live out of state} to tell them about it. It made me feel happy to know that he was so proud of me. Thanks Ty for always supporting me & encouraging me to go after my dreams- I love you!
-Here we are cheering on the BYU Cougars at a home game, love to spend my Saturdays in the Fall here with Ty- |
So on that note...
Rah-Rah-Rah, I'm cheering for all of you who have entered the "BuZZ" about The Hive & win GiVEAWAY!
{a BIG cheer for all of you have have left your very 1st comment- on my blog- way to go, I'm proud of you!}
You still have until Wednesday at Midnight to enter-
GooD LuCK!