But for know here is a list of things I am counting down the days until:
-celebrating A&E's 8th birthday! We are thinking either a Carnival or Alice in Wonderland themed party.
-my birthday! {I won't tell you how old I am going to be}
-going to SLC with Ty & some friends, on the 11th, to see one of my all-time favorite people- Jerry Seinfeld. Can't wait, he is always soooo funny!
-telling you all about where Hollyhocks & Honeybees is going to be next month {all my Utah & SL county clients are going to be so HaPPy}
-Eclipse {June 29th} the Midnight showing! I will be giving away some Twilight themed H&H frames that night.- A&E getting baptized!
- the 4th of July {one of my FaVoRiTE HoLiDayS!}
- redecorating Miss Macey's bedroom for her 12th birthday
- celebrating our 15th Wedding Anniversary in July- going to California for our family vacation.
- hosting an odds & ends swap with 3 friends in August.
- a new family picture in August {hopefully I get a nice tan this Summer}
Whew, lots to look forward too.
What are you counting down the days until?