
I have seen the Light!


 I love light!  When we designed our home on Lilac Lane we specifically told our architects that we wanted lots & lots of windows for natural light.  There is just something refreshing & invigorating about light.  It's the first thing I do every morning is walk around our home, open the blinds, shutters & let the morning light & the new day into our home.  Such a great way to wake up! 

Along with natural light I have grown to love lamps.  I like to turn them on at night, especially, when I don't want all the lights on.  There is just something so homey & comforting with just a soft glow of light.  We are big believers around here in dimmer switches & accent lighting when it starts to get late. Kind of a symbol to start shutting it down & unwinding for the day.  Our girls probably don't appreciate it as much anymore now that they are teenagers & want to stay out late every night.  This Momma is not a night owl so their new hours are kind of getting hard to adjust too.  Let's just say the soft glow of lights is happening later & usually staying on much longer than they used to.  Oh, boy- give me strength! 

Thrilled that my twin girls room was featured by Shutterfly, along with 74 other brilliant lighting ideas.  It is fun to be a part of so many great design & decorating ideas.  

Things I love most about this light are- 

1-  I bought it at The Hive {the boutique I host in our home} from my friend & vendor Jen from 3DottersVintage.  
Her husband made it & I snagged it up!  

2-  That we connected it to the closet light switch so that they're weren't any messing cords seen.  

3-  It's the perfect thing to switch one when the girls go down to get ready for bed.  Enough light to do what they need to without turning on the harsh bright overhead light. 

-I spy Olly! This is one of his favorite spots to hang out.- 
You can read more about their super-secret bedroom makeover here.  It was such a fun project to work on with my hubby & totally surprise the girls on their 13th birthday.  

Hope this idea & others on the link inspire you to bring in some light into your home is a great way. 


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