
Latest obsession- vintage pop bottle crates


Hi friends!  So excited to share with you something that I'm just simply giddy about, Vintage Pop bottle crates! -3 of my favorite things collided to create this happy display.  Doesn't it just make you smile? 
{Vintage Pop Crates + Vintage Pop Bottles + Flowers}

This display was a result of getting to host my daughter's last HS dance, 20 teenagers, for dinner in our home.  So the decor I wanted it all to be happy & colorful.  It was a fun time.  Life is busy & since then I've had a lot on my mind lately- a Senior who's about to graduate & all that comes with that & being in charge of a girls camp for 306 girls at the 1st of the Summer.  It seems like I've just always had lists & not so fun things to "have" to do & get done rather than just enjoyable, creative things.  So when I thought of putting together & being in charge of the two teacher meals at my daughter's middle school I thought- what was I thinking?!? One more thing I HAD to do & just check off the list & get over with.  Then something happened that put a spark in me & made me feel like I hadn't felt in awhile.  
{One thing I learned early in life, thank goodness, was to surround myself with happy, positive & good people.  I'm so grateful for friends who are always willing to help me.} 

As my friend Courtney & I, were setting up the potato bar for the teachers we also had to put out the dozens of homemade cookies.  I brought a cute metal yellow tray that I've had for years & we decided to put the cookies in that.  I had also brought some of my vintage pop bottles with freshly cut spring flowers in them for the tables. I transported them, up to the school, in my newest vintage pop bottle crate that I scored in upstate NY last month. 
{If you follow me on Instagram you heard all about this.  My favorite carry on luggage to date!} 

We were getting ready to go, packing things up when my friends son, asked what he should do with the pop crate?  My first thought was,  just take it out to my car & I'll take it home & bring back with me the next day when it was time to bring the bottles home.  My friend said,  
"See if the cookie tray will stack on top of it" 
It sure did & looked awesome, a perfect fit.  Ta-da!  It was an awesome, idea. So much so, that we just had to get a picture.

-D, M & little M, the cutest helpers around so willing & happy to help.  Everything was fun to them, setting up chairs & putting out centerpieces. Loved having their assistance, made it easy & delightful.

So glad she suggested doing that because it was like a light bulb moment for me.  I have just been so overwhelmed by things lately that I wasn't even thinking creatively at all {I've really missed that feeling!} so grateful she had the inkling of thinking of that.  I've discovered a new found love for something I love to collect & now want to find LOTS MORE!

-Who wouldn't want to snag a cookie off this cute display?-
Nothing floats my boat more than entertaining & using things I love to make something special.  When I discover a new way to use something vintage it just makes me happy!   Crazy that something so simple can just make my spirit soar, does the heart good to think outside the box a little.  

So the next day for the teacher meals we were serving a nacho bar & homemade cinnamon rolls.  The pop crate & cookies was so cute I thought well what about the cinnamon rolls too. At first I thought of taking them out of the pan & displaying in the same yellow tray, but thought the dough might dry out a bit, so just left it on the cookie sheet & guess what..... it fit perfectly on top of the crate.  

My head is now spinning with all the possibilities of using this when I entertain this summer & what can be stacked on top. 
-The teachers were in for a real treat!  Yummy stuff to keep them going during all their parent teacher conferences.  They deserve it!-

You know that it's all about presentation with you entertain & layers, layers, LAYERS are the biggest thing to make everything look more appealing.  

-Seriously, so easy to make a big impact!  All you need is a pop crate, cookie sheet full of something yummy, set the sheet on top & wa-lah, you have a great display piece.-
Looking forward to many more opportunities to my vintage crates to use.  Glad I snagged my newest one for only $15 while antiquing in Upstate NY.  Still can't believe it, such a steal. It stole my heart the moment I saw it & I knew I couldn't leave it behind. So glad I didn't!  Oh, the possibilites!!   

 Have a great weekend. 


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