
It's official- I'm a new Mom!


Don't you just love getting to check off something from your bucket list?  It's such a great feeling & it's always good to have goals written down.  Last year I was able to cross off seeing the Northern Lights in Finland & in December being able to purchase & distribute 3 bumblebee colonies, through Heifer International, to women through out the world in December.  These bees would help them obtain a better life & much needed income for their families & economy to their villages.  Thanks to many of you who helped this cause during The Holiday Hive. 

This year is off to a pretty sweet start in the crossing off department as well.  I've always dreamed about having a beehive & guess what, now I do. Yay!!  
-It's official, paper work signed & delivered.  Now just need to frame & put up on display in the craft room.  Hope I know someone who makes cute frames ;)-
 The best part about this new adventure & hive is that it's maintained by two fantastic sisters, who make up the charming company of Queen Farina 
{Oh, by the way- they'll "bee" at The Spring Hive March 3-5}  
& I just get to enjoy the sweet rewards in the Fall.  I donated to "Adopt-a-Hive" through their website & my happy honeybees will be up roaming in the fields & farms of my homeland, Cache Valley, producing yummy honey. 

When you adopt a hive through  
Queen Farina, you get to:
- name the Queen Bee of your Hive 
-get certificate of Adoption 
-Receive pictures of your hive & bees throughout the year
-get your choice of a jar of honey or fresh honeybee comb right from the beehive in the Fall. 
{*All the details are on their website} 

 Of coarse I choose the frame of fresh honeycomb,  just sounded interesting & I think of keeping the frame around to remember the year by.  Such a wonderful thing to be a part of, I'm so excited & looking forward to it!!  

I named the Queen of my hive after my daughter, Macey.  {Sure I'll be doing this for a few more years so that the other 2 get a bee of their own too.} 

I thought about it for awhile on what to name her.  I wanted it to really mean something special to me.  I thought of a lot of amazing examples, who I love that I could have named a Queen after but decided to go with my first born. She is someone I am very proud of, has worked very hard the last couple of years & is reaping the rewards this year.  I knew she would enjoy making something delicious with the honey from the hive & last but not least someone who, sad to say, will be leaving our hive soon when she graduates from HS this year. 
{Oh, my momma heart just about can't take it!} 
 She seemed like the obvious choice to name my 1st Queen after, love you Macey! 

So glad to know that the honey & my bees are happy up in the land that I grew up in.  It makes this whole thing that much more special to me knowing where the honey will come from.  Can't wait to enjoy it this Fall with family & friends.  

I'm hoping that I'll be able to get up there & see the bees in their natural environment, at least once.  I'd love to watch & learn from them.  

To learn more about adopting a hive for yourself "bee" sure to check out  Tell them the honeybee sent you. 
-Their website is so dreamy & charming! -

Have a wonderful day & remember, Save the HONEYBEE!! 

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