
Hello.... 5 questions, 5 answers


I love hearing from you! Whenever I open up my email, check Instagram, receiving messages from Square or Paypal.  It's always a thrill to get messages or mail, makes my day. So imagine my interest when I received an email a couple of weeks ago asking if I'd take part in a blogging interview series on another blog.  Was so flattered that someone would ask little old me to participate. I jumped at the opportunity & quickly replied to my friend Ashlee from, A Chick's Fix in the Stix.  
{how cute is that name?} 

She got right back to me & gave me 5 simple questions to answer.  It was fun to sit & think of what my answers would be, although my response to question #4 took awhile because I have so many to choose from  
{I'll not let you know what the question was, I'll keep you in suspense.  Go to her blog to find out} 
but I quickly realized what my answer was.  

So fun to get to share things I adore, favorite hang outs & events I have going on with her readers & make a new friend in the process.   So glad she asked & so glad I answered. Be sure to check out her cute blog & tell her the honeybee sent you.   Hope I get to do something like this again in the future.  Just goes to show, never be afraid to ask a question, speak up & be heard.  

Have a great day! 

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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}