
Get on the right bus.... motto for the school year.

I love quotes & boy, if I find a good one you can bet I'll  find a way to display it in our home.  This new found quote of mine I love for a couple of reasons.  It's special because it comes from something that I'm passionate about & the meanings you can attach to it & draw from it to apply in your very own life.  When I heard this said on January 25th of this year I knew I wanted to tie it into our Back to School decor this Fall.  Our upstairs mantel was the perfect place to put it on display! 

This quote comes from Duke Basketball Coach Mike Krzyzewski {You should know, if you don't already that I'm a HUGE Duke Fan}  & what he shared with his team in the locker room after they won against St. John's in Madison Square Garden that gave Coach K his 1,000 win.  

When he spoke to the team after the win he shared with them something his Mother, Emily Krzyzewski, told him when he was 13 years old growing up in Chicago.  She said, 
"Get on the right bus & be with great people. They'll take you to places you can't get there alone."  
So powerful!!  Of coarse with bus in the quote I immediately thought of going back to school but we can apply it to many things in our daily lives & the choices we make.  

-Thank you to my friend Lynn, from TheUrbanPost, for creating this custom sign for me. It's awesome!  The & and sheild are H&H designs & will be available at The Hive in September.-
Get on the right bus...... might have been literal for a kid growing up in Chicago, using mass transit to get around but she meant something else.  The importance of knowing where you are going, having a goal in mind & going towards good places.  So inspiring to me!  I truly believe in having & setting goals & the power attached to that.  I also appreciate the rest of the quote....... & be with great people.  Isn't that the truth!  You have to surround yourself with others who lift & build you up.   So important to choose friends wisely, good leaders to work for & with & good people to admire &amp others with similar values that will help you reach your end goal.

Coach K shared that with his team & his getting to 1,000 victories.  No easy task mind you.  He acknowledged that he couldn't have done it alone.  He made good choices that brought him to great places & to be around  incredible people.  He couldn't have accomplished all he has by being on his own, he needed others to help him. 

I hope having this saying up in our home will remind our family this year the importance of getting on the right bus & being with great people & by doing so where it can lead you in life. 

So maybe ask yourself, whether you're heading back to the class room or not, what bus are you on, where are you headed? Hopefully you're surrounded by great people who will help you get there. Have a great day!!


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